Zapraszam uczniów klas V-VIII do aktywnego włączenia się w międzynarodowy projekt ekologiczny „Go Green with Your Smart Future” na platformie eTwinning. Możecie poznać młodzież z wielu szkół europejskich oraz wymienić się z nimi spostrzeżeniami dotyczącymi ekologii.
Projekt kierowany jest szczególnie do klas dwujęzycznych, ale każdy z Was może w nim wziąć udział.
Wszelkich informacji dotyczących działań naszej szkoły w projekcie udziela
p. Magdalena Wiśniewska
Our students will imagine and design smart and climate/carbon neutral transportation systems in cities, simulate present applications or vehicles that can be useful against the negative effects of climate change and global warming caused by a key factor “air pollution”; they will draw people’s attention to the importance of using public transportation and encourage them to use public transportation or clean-energy transportation types. The European Union’s long-term target (the year “2050”) is to be harmless to climate. The commission will be active with the “Horizon 2020” Programme. Upon “Green Deal” of the Commission, we would like to contribute to sustainable transportation technologies and increase the awareness of public transportation use with the inspiration of an initiative proposed by the European Commission “the European Year of Rail 2021.”
*In our project, based on the initiative that the European Commission has announced the year 2021 as the European Year of Rail, our aim is to exemplify the smart transportation technologies of the future for a clean world and design some models of transportation system solutions that clean energy sources and energy saving systems will be used.
*Based on STEAM education components, our project created upon the target of gaining interdisciplinary acquisitions integrated into our cirruculum will enable our students to get uttermost benefits and transfer them into their daily lives.
*Besides the students’ improvement in creative and critical thinking, solving problems, we aim to integrate the principals of Values Education into our project and contribute to their personality development.
*We also aim to increase our students’ interest in web technology, enable them to keep up with web applications and contribute to the improvement of the future technology literate individuals.
SEP=First online meeting and greetings, discussion of safe internet, assignments of students, introducing Web 2 tools (Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop CS6, Tinkercad, Movavi, Scratch, etc) and Twinspace, integration of the projects’ acquisitions into our curriculum
OCT=Activities about safe and clean transportation types, Announcing the year 2021 as Railway Year to all the students and informing them about it in our schools via seminars, school boards, and outdoor activities such as drawing attention to using bikes, electric scooters, walking in short distances, etc.
Arranging CodeWeek activities
NOV=Students will start creating smart transportation solutions
DEC=Further investigation on sustainable transportation types such as visiting a few institutions and municipalities carrying out these systems
JAN=Finalising all the works and displaying them on Twinspace
FEB=Celebration of Safe Internet Day, Exhibitions of products, Inviting other schools to our exhibitions.
*Thanks to this project, our students will learn clean energy sources, energy-saving solutions, the importance of public transportation use and they will take many actions for global warming from now on.
*Due to the constant communication among our students on this international platform, our students will have the sense of ethics, responsibility, respect to human, collaboration and communication skills besides making contribution to our students’ academic and self-improvement.
*Our students also will learn how to be a conscious internet user and digital literate.
*Our students will be able to be more fluent speakers and readers in English.
*Our students will make a portfolio of created products and works on Twinspace. Plus, they will compile an e-magazine consisting of all etwinning efforts, products, ideas, comments and feedbacks.